Video Recipes

Tubettoni ceci, seppia e lardo di Seppia

Tubettoni chickpeas, cuttlefish and cuttlefish ...

A dish that belongs to our tradition but with a modern twist! Pasta and chickpeas, a recipe that all of us have eaten at least once in our lives. The...

Tubettoni chickpeas, cuttlefish and cuttlefish ...

A dish that belongs to our tradition but with a modern twist! Pasta and chickpeas, a recipe that all of us have eaten at least once in our lives. The...

Tartare di Gambero Rosso del Tirreno e Gazpacho di Pomodori.

Tyrrhenian Red Shrimp Tartare and Tomato Gazpacho.

A dish that accompanies us towards the end of summer, light, fresh and very tasty. Gazpacho, a vegetable soup, and in this case also fruit, of Spanish origin and eaten...

Tyrrhenian Red Shrimp Tartare and Tomato Gazpacho.

A dish that accompanies us towards the end of summer, light, fresh and very tasty. Gazpacho, a vegetable soup, and in this case also fruit, of Spanish origin and eaten...


My cooking style seeks to find a balance between tradition and innovation. I like to experiment and think outside the box. I try to include various techniques from all over the world in my recipes without compromising either my values ​​or the ingredients I use in my recipes.